Friday 18 July 2014

English Uni Open Day - BANGOR (Wales)


Over View

So I'm currently in the mist of starting my second year in sixth form- a hectic, hectic, hectic year of exams, personal statements,jobs,friends aka  MADNESS.

However, in all this madness I have to make some big decisions about my life and career and what I want to do with my future which is exciting but also completely terrifying at the same time because I'm now the responsible one, for the first time in my life my parents aren't making these decisions for me which is really scary but great at the same time.

What is it I want to do as a career you ask?

Honestly, I have no idea. I love 'the arts' like drama, singing, performing but at the same time I realise that these are more of hobby and that a degree in drama (i think) wont really prove a helpful backup plan if nothing were to come of my acting dreams.

So what is it you plan to study?

I'm thinking English Language because it's a subject I enjoy and am good at. It's also quite a broad course which means I can go into practically any field after graduating \(within reason, ofc I can't be a doctor or anything like that lol) Furthermore, following my back up plan idea I quite like the sound of journalism and media. So I have been looking at all three courses at open days (I know, miss indecisive)


The day was SO well organised and the people were SO SO friendly. I could easily see myself fitting in there. Also, the main campus building kinda looks like Hogwarts...when walking down the corridors I swear I heard snake voices lol.

I particularly liked the fact that after every subject we went to, they offered us free tea and biscuits - FAB.

The actual University was beautiful.


In comparison to other uni's I have visited, the Halls were in the top 5. 
They were compact, clean and could see myself living there.
However, there were not much on campus facilities like other unis had but with that said the town is not too far away from the Halls so I'm sure it would not be a deal breaker.


As I said previous, the event was extremely well organised and I got a great feel for the campus and will definitely be submitting an application for 2015 entrants.

*If you got to this point please comment down below if you're planning to go to uni- if so what do you plan to study?
Or, subsequently if you have been any advise you would give? Thank you!*

Cloz x

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