Monday 14 July 2014




Recently, I have had some spare time on my hands and decided to try out some new recipes.

I have never really been a massive fan of lemon or lemon flavours, I've always tended to sway towards anything chocolate, cream or sweet. But as I am growing older I've witnessed a slight change in my taste buds as I have been branching out of my 'standard food' comfort zone and opting for more unusual dishes.
With this in mind, I decided to try out the recipe and it was AMAZING!!
I've baked this treat so many times now and myself and my family love it!


2 eggs
170g Self Raising Flour
170g Caster Sugar
170g Butter
1 tsp Baking Powder
110g Icing Sugar
2 lemons


I think it's a pretty obvious thing to do but it makes the process so much quicker and easier if you find a fairly large, clean, clear space and lay out all the ingredients listed above.

Measure out 170g of self raising flour by adding it into
a smaller bowl and placing it on the scales.

once you're happy with the measurement, add this to your mixing bowl.

Repeat this process with the caster sugar.

Next, take a clean bowl and place it on top
of the scales measuring 170g of Butter

and add to your mixing bowl! :)

Four: Crack your eggs on the side of the mixing bowl

After all the adding, it should look something like this (mm yummy!)

I recommend mixing at this stage as it makes it alot easier to mix in the zests later.

 Six: Now, taking your lemons you want to 'grate' or 'zest' the skins in order to give the cake the lemon flavour. This step does take up most time and literally makes you feel like your arm is going to drop of! Keep zesting till you're left with a white underskin on the lemons.

Note: Don't throw the lemons away, we still need them!!

Your mixture should now look something like this.

Continue to mix until the lemon zests are well blended into the mixture.

Seven: I recommend opting for a loaf case of some kind, I picked up a pack of 50 from ASDA for about a pound. They are a great investment as it means you do not have to faff around with lining your tin, you can just go a head and place your mixture into the case. Furthermore, the cases also make your task a heck of a lot easier when trying to take the cake out of the tin and for one pound, you can't really go wrong! :)

 Eight: So, now it is time to dollop ( love that word) your mixture into the cases ready to bake!

Nine: Place your drizzle cake batter into the oven at 180 degrees for around 15-20 minutes depending on how well done you like your cake to be.

Ten: So while the cake is cooking, it's time to use the lemons from earlier. Slice them in half and squeeze the juice into a jug of some kind.

Eleven: When the cake is out of the oven, use a sharp knife and stab 8-10 holes in the cake to ensure that when drizzling the lemon juice it sinks into the whole cake. Drizzle the juice all over the cake and leave it to set.


You are left with this masterpiece, as you can see, I chose to decorate the cake with raspberries, this step is entirely optional of course.

I hope you found this post helpful!!
Please let me know in the comments below any other recipes I could try out or any requests as I am new to the world of blogging and your feedback would be much appreciated!

Cloz x

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